Monday, May 13, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 05-12-2024: Overwhelming Support, Recovery Continues Apace, Soon Out of ICU

 1. Thanks to Christy and Carol's posts on Facebook, word began to get out that the kidney transplant surgery went very well and the response was overwhelming as people posted positive reactions, promises of prayers healing vibes, and words of encouragement and joy that things are going well. I can't thank each person individually, but am trying to get blanket statements of gratitude out into the world so friends and family get some idea of how their support buoys me. 

2. My recovery continued apace Sunday under the care of Nurse Jane and, in the evening, Nurse Brian. My bloodwork confirmed that my new kidney was working. My creatinine levels are coming down and my GFR has been steadily improving. I did fine at mid-day eating some jello, drinking bullion, and sipping on apple juice. By late afternoon, I was able to eat almost all of my dinner, the first solid food I'd eaten since Thursday night at 10:00!

Nurse Jane recruited a helper to get me on my feet for the first time. Gradually, I was taking less medicine via IV and began to take meds orally. 

Debbie arrived and sat with me for several hours. I was not great company! I continued to sleep off and on, which was good, and Debbie got to see first hand that I had a really good day today.

3. I will be transferred on Monday out of ICU and into a regular room. I have no restrictions now, so once I'm transferred, I'll begin some physical therapy, mostly focused on getting me up and walking. I might learn some exercises, too. 

It's POSSIBLE, not guaranteed, that I'll be discharged on Tuesday. We'll see how Monday goes!

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