Friday, May 3, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 05-02-2024: (A Note About Facebook's Spam Filters), Cardio and Dickie Betts, Chicken Dinner Redux, L. A. Riots Podcast

A note: Over the last week and a half, the spam filters at Facebook have, about four times, found it in violation of Facebook's community standards when I post that my most recent blog post is up. Each time, the notification that my post has been removed has told me that I am trying to get likes, follows, and shares in a misleading way. 

I'm puzzled by this development. I'm going to see if it's not so misleading if I just say "Here's my most recent blog post" and leave out the advance notice of what three things you'll find in the post, should you click on the link. Each time a take down has happened, I've reposted the blog post link and presented it in a different way than when it was taken down. These reposts have not been flagged by the spam filters. 

A person can always find my blog by going to I also email my daily posts to about fifteen people and would be happy to add anyone to my email list who would like to read my blog posts this way. 


This spam filter thing is a nuisance to me, but not a big deal. 

It's puzzling, but hasn't moved me to rant! 

1. Today, I once again worked out on three cardio machines. I mentioned yesterday that I increased the amount of time I exercised. Today I increased my time and the number of calories burned just a bit. Once again, listening to Lou Simon's Jukebox Diner helped make performing repetitious tasks an enjoyable experience, especially when he and his callers remember the life and genius of Dickie Betts. 

2. At Debbie's request, I pretty fixed a very similar dinner to last night's. We had some party chicken wings left over, but I seasoned and baked two regular drumsticks. We ate all of our teff Wednesday night, so today I roasted baby Yukon potatoes in the same pan with the drumsticks. I covered both the potatoes and the chicken with sesame seeds. We had some sautéed vegetable left from Wednesday, but we needed more so I repeated what I'd fixed on Wednesday with one change: tonight I scattered chopped green onion over the vegetables when they were done cooking. 

It all worked! 

3. It's an intense podcast. We listen to about one episode per week. But the series of Slow Burn episodes focused on the Los Angeles riots of 1992. The series began with an episode devoted to what happened the night police officers beat up Rodney King and how the incident came to be videotaped. 

The second episode examined the murder of fifteen year old Latasha Harlins thirteen days after the Rodney King beating by Soon Ja Du in the convenience store belonging to her and her husband. At trial, Soon Ja Du was found guilty not of murder, but of voluntary manslaughter and the judge suspended her prison sentence and instead placed her on five years probation with 400 hours of community service and fined her  500 dollars along with Latasha Harlins' funeral costs. The outrage over this light sentence and the failure of an appeal attempt contributed to the targeting of Koreatown during the 1992 riots. 

Tonight we listened to the third episode. It focused on the Los Angeles Chief of Police Darryl Gates, the overall nature of policing under his supervision in Los Angeles, and the efforts to remove him from office after the beating of Rodney King. 

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