Friday, June 10, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 06-09-2022: Texting with Debbie, True Nostalgia or Imagined?, Sharing Wordle with Christy and Carol

1. I had a text chat with Debbie today and learned that she's decided to accept some more work in Eugene's school district. She will most likely return to Kellogg some time next week - it's possible that Monday will be her last day subbing, but that could change.

2. It's not remarkable that for breakfast today I fixed myself a fried egg and placed it on top of a toasted slice of Dave's Good Seed Killer Bread. It did, however, take me back to when we lived at 14 E. Portland and somehow I got permission to cook for the first time and I made egg in the hole toast. Now, it might be that I never did this. It might be that I thought about wanting to do it and that I've romanticized my desire into a deed. But, whether I made this egg in the hole 60+ years ago or not, I felt tinges of sweet nostalgia as I ate my breakfast this morning. I mean it is possible for us to experience nostalgic feelings for things that never happened -- right?

3. A few days ago, upon completing the daily Wordle puzzle and seeing on Facebook that Christy and Carol had also finished it, I sent them a message listing the sequence of words I put into the puzzle before I arrived at the correct answer. I asked them to share their sequences, too. 

For example, here's the sequence of words from the 06-09 puzzle I solved:


I thoroughly enjoy seeing what random word my sisters used to start their puzzle and how they worked their way to the correct answer. We are sharing our sequences daily, once we know we've all completed the puzzle, and, for me, it's like a mini-sibling assignment. 

Just for the record, I get my Wordle puzzle started by scanning tweets on Twitter until I find a five letter word to put on the first Wordle row. 

I enjoy the challenge of starting with a new word each day, but sometimes it's tempting to start with the same word every day, one loaded with vowels. So far, I haven't given in to that temptation -- I think largely because I'm not trying to "beat the puzzle" and solve it in as few guesses as possible. Every time I succeed, I'm happy, no matter how many guesses I needed. 

By the way, I often connect my opening word to daily news events. I won't give away the 06-10 puzzle, except to say that after watching the televised Congressional hearing last night, I began today's puzzle with the word VIDEO! (Imagine that!) 

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