Friday, June 17, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 06-15-2022: The Roof is Going Up, Debbie Comes Home, Back in the Sack with Copper and Luna

1. Things got busy late this morning and on into the afternoon as Ron and Rodney made good progress on building a cover for our future patio.

2. Debbie drove to Kellogg from Portland today. I drew upon one of my favorite books, No-Recipe Recipes, and, after a trip to Yoke's, I cut up three or four slices of bacon and cooked them until crisp in a puddle of heated olive oil. Once it was crisp, I used a slotted spoon and removed the bacon and put it on a paper towel covered plate. To the bacon grease and olive oil, I added a chopped onion and cooked the pieces until they were soft. In the meantime, I put salted water on to boil. When the onion was tender, I added two cans of diced tomatoes and returned the bacon to the pot. While I heated up this sauce, I cooked a pot of spaghetti. I drained the spaghetti, returned it to the Dutch oven, added a chunk of butter, and, once it melted, I added to sauce to the pasta. 

From here, it was a matter of taste -- want some fresh herbs on top? Some parsley? Some parmesan cheese? 

3. With Debbie home, Gibbs now spends the nights with her upstairs and so Copper and Luna were back with me tonight. More aggressively than ever, Copper sought my affection. He drew close to me, leaned into me, made it very clear that he wanted me to pet him. As always, Luna perched herself for a while on my chest, then began her all to familiar back and forth from one side of me to the other, unable to decide if she wanted to burrow under the covers or sleep on a corner of the bed near my head. At some point, Luna began to paw my arms, even lightly scratch them. She crossed a line! I put her in the Vizio room, but then, around 3 a.m., Copper began to insist on being served wet food. I dragged myself out of bed, fixed them each a bowl of wet food, served them in the Vizio room, left the door open, and eventually they made their way back to lie with me again, a little more settled after eating, and we all got up around 7 a.m. 

My guess is that in the next few nights, reaccustomed to their Debbie's back/Gibbs is upstairs routine, Copper and Luna will become more and more relaxed at night. 

I'll work with them, no matter what! 

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