Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 07-02-2024: Covid Detente, Photos and Memories from Patrick Torelle's 80th Birthday Party, Copper Loves Covid!

1.  The Covid virus and I reached, at least for today, a detente. I continued to be tired and took short naps throughout the day after sleeping nearly nine hours Monday night. No new symptoms developed. I never ran a fever. I sneeze on occasion, blow my nose from time to time, and have the mildest of body aches. Nothing is getting worse. 

I heard from Nurse Jenn a couple of times. She informed me that Dr. Murad wants me to lower the dosage of one medication and slightly increase the dosage of another. Overall, my Monday blood work results were positive: on all fronts, the numbers were stable. That's just what we want. 

2. Photographs from Patrick Torelle's 80th birthday party began to appear on Facebook. For many many years, Patrick was a faculty member at Lane Community College where he headed up the theater program, directed countless plays, taught acting classes, and was involved as highly valued actor and director in theater companies throughout Eugene. 

I sorely wanted to travel to Tigard on Sunday at attend Patrick's party. Not only would I loved to have seen and celebrated Patrick, I also was fairly certain that any number of fellow cast mates from the handful of plays I appeared in at LCC and the one I was in at Brit. Theater would be there. I don't know if she made it, but I would have loved to have seen Sparky Roberts, too. 

But, even without first being exposed to Covid and then contracting it, it didn't feel safe to me, just yet, to be at a party attended by many people. 

The pictures I've seen stirred memories I cherish of rehearsals, performances, Shakespeare Showcases, acting classes, cast parties, long conversations off stage during performances and during rehearsal breaks. 

If anything ever taught me that great enjoyment and fulfillment doesn't depend on being great, my participation as a marginal person in the Eugene live theater world proved it to me. Being in those plays, working so closely with others in the plays' casts, making both temporary and lasting friendships made me very happy and my happiness and sense of fulfillment far outmeasured any contribution I made to these plays performing small roles, roles I enjoyed immensely. 

The photos I've seen and reading Patrick's comments on his party thrilled me, knowing that this was, for Patrick, one of the very happiest days of his life. 

All blessings to Patrick, his generosity, widespread influence, immeasurable gifts as an actor, director, administrator, and teacher, and valued friend to so many. 

3. So, from time to time, as we work our way through these days of Covid, Debbie asks me how Copper is doing. 

My answer is simple: "Copper loves Covid!"

Because I've confined myself to staying in the bedroom where I sleep for most of the hours of day and because I learned from Nurse Angela that it's fine for Copper and me to be in the same room together, Copper and I have had many hours of contentment together. 

Copper goes back and forth between relaxing on the bed with me and retiring to a corner of the bedroom closet that he's always enjoyed. 

I've been able, with Debbie and Gibbs' cooperation, to keep Copper's access open to the Vizio room where his litter box is located, so this part of Copper's life had not been a problem. 

So, the most positive thing, by far, about the Covid outbreak in our home has been seeing Copper be the happiest I've seen him in months. He loves having continual companionship and it shows in how relaxed and at ease he's been since he and I have been able to spend hour upon hour of basically uninterrupted time together. 

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