Thursday, July 11, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 07-10-2024: Protect Against Infection, Fitness Center Guidelines, Terry and Ed Join Us for BBQ

1. The primary message I heard during my visit to the transplant clinic today? "Be on guard against becoming infected, especially because you have Covid.  We don't want to add any more demands on your immune system." 

That said, how to proceed forward isn't always absolutely clear and I accept that. I'm in a fluctuating circumstance and have to decide what risks I want to take and what, for me, right now, is off limits. 

I'm not sure that I will be consistent, but, in fluctuating circumstances, inconsistency comes with the territory! 

The team didn't see any problem with Debbie and me having visitors in our home, as long as we were as certain as possible that the visitors aren't ill and as long as I keep distance from them, especially indoors. I might, at times, determine it wise to wear a mask when visitors are in the house. 

I asked about attending Ed's 70th birthday party at the Elks this Saturday. The team hated to say it, but they recommended I not attend an occasion with quite a few people in attendance and with so little knowledge if anyone might be contagious with something. I will comply with their recommendation -- it makes a lot of sense to me not to go. I'll simply have to accept the disappointment -- but, as they say, this isn't my first disappointment rodeo. 

The team gave me the green light to increase the amount I can lift, telling me that if I overdo it, my surgery site will let me know -- but I have no plans for lifting anything or anyone other than light things around the house and Copper when I need to move him. 

The team agreed with my reading of Monday's blood work. It looks terrific. And stable. 

I will not have labs done next week. I am moving toward an every two week schedule. It will be another month before I return to the clinic for a checkup. I think I am moving toward once a month visits. At some point later this year, I'll resume seeing Dr. Bieber, my nephrologist at Kootenai Health. 

2. I asked the transplant team if or when I could return to the Fitness Center. Dr. Murad thought it would be all right to return in the near future with two stipulations: 1. I protect my self with a mask/face covering and  2. I go to the gym when things are not busy. I think I will impose a third stipulation and wait until I test negative for Covid. 

When I was a regular at the Fitness Center, the gym was never very busy in the afternoon, say, around 2:00. I'll see if that still seems to be true. What I know will be true is that my visits will be much shorter, especially. to begin. My guess is that I'll start with a twenty minute work out, see how that goes for a while, and decide when to increase that. If if feels to me like the gym is getting crowded,  or if someone in attendance is repeatedly coughing or sneezing, I'll stop my session and leave. I can't say right now when I'll make my first return. I do, however, sure look forward to exercising and the care team unanimously agree exercise will benefit me. 

3. Terry Turner spent last night in Kellogg on his way to Missoula for Trout Unlimited meetings. He wondered if he could come over to our place for a visit and my answer was YES and our plan was to order food from the Garrenteed BBQ food trailer and dine on the patio. I also invited Ed to join us.

Our plans changed slightly because of the heat and we dined and yakked indoors. I dined in the living room and the others ate in the kitchen. Since we have a wide opening between the kitchen and living room it was easy to talk to each other. I think our precautions were sound. We enjoyed our takeout food and spent just over an hour talking about all kinds of stuff, ranging from Terry and Nancy's recent trip to Ireland to  Ed recounting stories from trips he has made to talking a bit about the kidney transplant and its aftermath. 

Ah! It was fun seeing lifelong friends and having some company pay a visit -- a welcome change of pace!


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