Thursday, July 18, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 07-17-2024: Separating Gibbs and Copper, No Health Drama, Flautas for Dinner

1. By putting a simple barrier in the doorway that leads from our living room to the hallway connecting the Vizio room, bedroom, and bathroom, we can keep Gibbs and Copper separated from one another and Copper can be in either the Vizio room or bedroom with the doors open. He can also roam between them. 

Now, if Gibbs cooperates by sleeping in the living room while Debbie is on her trip, I should be able to care for Gibbs and Copper on my own just fine (aside from relying on Carol to deal with Copper's litter pan.) 

2. I'm happy to report that again today I experienced zero health related drama. I am definitely feeling stronger, am hoping the time comes soon when I feel good about going to the Fitness Center and work on building up my wind. Everything that I can monitor continues to be stable. My weight has little variation, my blood pressure is right where the transplant team wants it, and I continue not to be running a fever. As I gain more confidence that my immune system is at a pretty good place, I look forward to being out and about in public, but remain leery of being where quite a few people are gathered. 

3. I popped open our second HelloFresh bag tonight and cooked onions, added ground beef to it along with Southwest seasoning, and cooked the beef and onions together. I added some water and TexMex paste to the beef and onions, let it cook down, and then added a scoop of this mixture along with some grated cheese to six flour tortillas and rolled them up. I baked these flautas for about 10-12 minutes, topped them with a combination of diced onion, tomato, and radish, and added red pepper crema over the top of it all. 

It worked! 

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