Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 07-29-2024: Labs First Thing Today, Fun in Spokane and a Haircut, A Fun Snacky Dinner

1. Originally, after having labs done last Tuesday, the transplant team determined that I didn't need to have labs done again until August 8th. But, last week my Tacrolimus levels increased and the team decided they'd like to see another set of labs this week. I could have had these labs done in Kellogg, but, weirdly enough, I enjoy getting up around 4:30 in the morning, doing a few things, and then driving to Spokane at 6 a.m.

So that's what I did. 

I arrived for my labs around 7:15, got in immediately for the blood draws, and was back out of there so quickly that I didn't have to pay for parking in the parking garage (0-30 minutes is no charge)! (Or get my parking ticket validated at the transplant clinic!)

2. I like making this trip to Spokane, first of all, because if I have bloodwork done at Sacred Heart, the lab posts the results for everything but my Tacrolimus levels within about an hour of my blood draw (and the lab posts my urine sample results, too). The Tacrolimus results get posted later in the afternoon. In addition, everything is simpler at Sacred Heart with how the blood work order is processed and how they bill my insurance.

More than these things, though, I like making this trip to Spokane because I'm getting to a point with my compromised immune system where I think it's not too risky for me to go to some uncrowded places, masked, and indulge in some pleasure.

Today, I drove to the Great Harvest bakery on 29th and Southwest Blvd and purchased a loaf of Dakota Wheat bread and one of Cinnamon Burst bread. It being just past 7:30, I was the only customer in the shop.

I then drove a few blocks to 27th and ordered a latte and Danish at Dane Joe Espresso and enjoyed them while seated at an outdoor table. It being early, I was one of two customers at the counter. I was masked. I kept my distance. I headed outside. It was all good.

I was not far at all from Trader Joe's. I blasted over there, masked up, sanitized my hands and my grocery cart, and entered the uncrowded store with its wide aisles and had fun shopping for a handful of items I had on a list and doing some mad shopping, just picking up some items because I thought Debbie and I would find them fun.

I concluded my venture out of home isolation and into the world at the Supercuts shop in Ironwood Center in Coeur d'Alene. I decided that I'd trust that Robin, who cuts my hair at this shop, wouldn't come to work with a contagious infection. So I strolled in, unmasked, as the only customer present, and to my great relief got a ton of hair cut off after not having had a haircut for several months. 

3. I decided to fix Debbie and me a Trader Joe's dinner tonight! Last week, I purchased a bag of frozen calamari and a bag of frozen potstickers. Tonight, I steamed the potstickers and baked the calamari. I also made a dipping sauce for the gyozas with soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil, molasses, honey, garlic, red pepper flakes, and maybe another ingredient or two. It rocked. So did the yogurt, cream cheese, and lemon juice sauce I made, amped up a bit with Old Bay seasoning, for the calamari. 

This was a fun dinner and I'm happy to report that we have gyoza potstickers and calamari left over, along with some leftover sauce, for snacks later. 

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