Monday, July 22, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 07-21-2024: Covid Update, Historic Moment on ZOOM!, Sube Needs a Battery Test, *Maverick* (1994) Is a Rollicking Movie

Covid update: When I told the transplant team back on July 1st that I had tested positive for Covid, they all agreed that even though I wasn't symptomatic and even though I felt fine, as a fresh transplant patient, I might test positive for longer than most other people do. Before today, my last positive Covid test was on July 12th. I tested again this morning. I tested positive again. I have many reasons to believe that I'm not contagious. At the same time, I am going to be cautious about what I do and where I go because I, and the transplant team, do not want to see my immune system have to deal with another infection along with this Covid virus. So, I'll be cautious, but the really good news is that I feel great, continue not to have a fever, and my energy is really good. 

1. It had been quite a while since the Westminster Basementeers met on Zoom. This morning Bill, Diane, Bridgit, Val, and I jumped on the Zoom Machine and we were talking about retirement and service to others and other matters pertinent to our lives when suddenly the news came to us that President Joe Biden decided to withdraw from the 2024 Presidential Election. 

This news gave our discussion some instant focus! 

I was really happy to be in conversation with these forever friends, friends with whom I've had countless discussions about life in the USA, and we openly and vigorously shared our thoughts about this news and speculated on what we might see happen in the coming weeks and months. 

It was a pleasure to discuss this news in almost face to face conversation and to connect back with the countless previous conversations we've had over the years about history, policy, personalities, aging, and other matters that were all suddenly very relevant at this moment. 

2. Before our Zoom meeting at 10:00, I leapt into the Sube. Debbie had filled the back with cardboard and I was prepared to take it, and some other recycling, out to the transfer station. 

But, alas, the Sube wouldn't start. 

So, I loaded up the trunk of the Camry and got the recycling done.

Once our Zoom discussion ended, I called AAA and before long Brandon and his driver arrived, gave the Sube a jump, it started, and I drove around for about twenty minutes or so.

Two or three times later in the day, I went back out to see if the Sube would still start. 

It did. 

I'll have the battery checked on Monday at Silver Valley Tire and see if it might be time to replace it. 

3. I decided to take a break from magical realism and Ruby Ridge today and watch a fun movie instead -- one I had never seen. 

Recently, somewhere in the vast universe of the World Wide Web, a clip from the 1994 movie, Maverick, popped up. 

The clip featured all but the very ending of the last hand of the movie's monumental poker tournament.

Seeing that Mel Gibson, James Garner, James Coburn, Alfred Molina, and Jodie Foster were in this scene, I decided I had to see this movie, find out how things got to this climactic moment, find out how this last hand played out, and see what happened after the poker tournament ended. 

Did I ever do the right thing! 

I had a blast watching this movie. I gave myself over to its humor, its implausible turns of events, its suspense, and its action. 

I know many of the movie's inside jokes went right by me, but I enjoyed the ones I got and I also enjoyed the impression I had that the actors in this movie were having a lot of fun not only working together, but bringing this movie's wild story to life. 

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