Friday, July 5, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 07-04-2024: Tentative Covid Optimism, 4th of July Dinner Delivered, AC/DC "Thunderstruck" Blow Out

1. Mainly, I wonder if I'm contagious. As far as how I felt today, Thursday, after testing positive for Covid on Monday, I felt very good today. I wasn't as tired as I had been. My sneezing and nose blowing has subsided significantly. I hate to get ahead of myself, but I think I'm getting over this Covid episode. 

My main concern is whether I'm contagious, so I'm playing it cautiously here at home -- and I am staying home. I look forward to talking this over with the transplant team on Wednesday, but this week has made me think that my immune system is improving. Yes, it's suppressed, but not like it was just a few weeks ago, and I have to believe, as Saturday approaches and I reach the eight week anniversary of this transplant, that I'm getting closer and closer to being able to get out and about a bit more. 

2. Because of my concern about being contagious, I stayed home from this afternoon's 4th of July BBQ Family Dinner. Debbie stayed home, too, feeling fatigued. (Covid does that.) Christy delivered us each a meal on our front porch and so we got to have a Paul-grilled hamburger, Christy's potato salad, and slice of Zoe's cherry pie. 

3. While Copper presents himself as unbothered by the several hours of fireworks that boomed around town and in our neighborhood this evening, I kept him company just in case his indifference wore out. If I remember correctly, the fireworks bothered Luna and she would velcro herself to my chest while local people expressed their love of freedom and independence and bombs bursting in air by filling the air with mighty blasts and sprays of red, white, and blue. 

Earlier in the day, Jeri saw a picture in her Facebook feed of the all-women AC/DC cover band, Hell's Belles, and kiddingly wondered if that was Debbie's band. No, I responded, Debbie's bandmates weren't Belles, they were Babes, Babes with Axes. I joked that I would, however, love to hear Debbie sing the lead on "Highway to Hell" or play the guitar lead on "Thunderstruck" -- doubting that Debbie would agree with me. 

As Copper and I hung out together enduring the sounds of liberty thundering all about us, I went to YouTube and watched a video of AC/DC performing "Thunderstruck". Then I remembered having watched a video in the past of a bluegrass band performing it, looked it up, and found Steve 'N' Seagulls, from Finland, indeed, playing this AC/DC classic. I couldn't get enough of it. I watched it about four times, went back and watched AC/DC perform it again, and enjoyed another bluegrass band, Thunder and Rain perform a splendid cover of Guns N Roses' "Sweet Child o' Mine". 

By the way, I never tire of going down the YouTube rabbit hole of rock classics being covered by non-rock performers, whether it's listening to 2Cellos, the Badpiper, other bluegrass bands or who/whatever else I can find giving a new sound and new life to rock songs that are familiar and famous. 

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