Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 07-16-2024: Preparing for Debbie's Travels, Back to Acrostic Puzzles, Peter Noone on Sirius/XM

1. Debbie will spend Thursday night in a room near the Spokane airport and fly to Chicago early Friday morning and spend over two weeks visiting with family -- daughters and their husbands, grandchildren, brother, niece, nephew, and others. 

I assured Debbie that I'll do a good job taking care of both Gibbs and Copper while she's away and work out ways for all of us to be happy through the nights Debbie is gone. 

All I really need help with is Copper's litter box and Carol will come over once a day to tend to it. 

I'm confident everything will work out well. 

2. I experienced a flashback today. Ellie's birth in October of 2019 set in motion the need for Debbie to be in New York, off and on (mostly on), until I flew out to New York late in the summer of 2021 and we drove across the USA and returned to Kellogg.

During that time of both living alone and being cautious about the emerging pandemic, I spent a fair amount of time working acrostic puzzles created by Cynthia Morris. 

I realized today that at some point in the last few years, I bought another book of her CynAcrostic puzzles and hadn't worked any of them.

They take a relatively long time to complete and I had a relaxing and sort of a nostalgic time completing two of her puzzles today. 

It was fun! 

3. Today was uneventful. My post-transplant health is stable. I relaxed with the second acrostic puzzle while Debbie fixed us a salmon and salad dinner. Once I'd finished the second puzzle, Copper and I went to bed and I put in my ear buds and dialed up, for me, a new radio program on my Sirius/XM app. It's on the 60s Gold channel, hosted by Peter Noone, and is titled, Something Good. It was a fun way to go to sleep, hearing songs popular when I was in grade school and junior high. I was very impressed with the variety of styles in the pop songs we listened to back then. It's fun to have that music so readily available on the satellite radio. 

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