Sunday, September 29, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 09-29-2024: Link to the Don Knott Slide Show, Violence in the Novel I Just Finished, Pork Roast Family Dinner

1. Today, Simon Miller posted the Don Knott Celebration of Life slideshow. It's on YouTube right now. I hope it stays up for a long time, but YouTube might take it down because of the music. If that happens, Simon will publish it elsewhere and I'll get the word out as to its new location.  Here's the current link:

2. Today I finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It's a masterfully told story featuring complicated and complex situations and decisions. It's at once suspenseful and, for me, very disturbing. The book includes passages of sadism and sexual assault. These scenes help portray the rot and corruption and depravity of the dark element of Sweden and that the book's main characters are investigating. These scenes unsettled me. They are violent. They were similar to the crimes committed in the book I just finished, Lost Girls. Before I read any other books in this Stieg Larsson series, I think I'll want to know if sadism and sexual assault is a repeated element of his novels. If it is, I'll either pass on reading more of them or let a good amount of time pass before I read The Girl Who Played with Fire

All that said, I think in a while, I'll watch the move The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, in part because I very much enjoy watching Daniel Craig act and I'm fascinated by the actors filling other roles in the 2011 movie. 

3. Carol and Paul hosted tonight's family dinner. Seated at the table were Christy, Carol, Paul, Pat, Debbie, and I. Carol prepared a tender and delicious pork roast. Christy fixed a tempting and delicious looking sweet potato casserole and I was dismayed that I thought I'd better not eat any of it with blood work coming up tomorrow and with my need to avoid foods rich in potassium. Debbie made a fresh and delicious cabbage salad. I had fun making do it yourself Rice a Roni from scratch, not out of the box. Pat baked a delicious apple pie and I enjoyed eating it a la mode. We had fun talking about the challenges of being left handed, the old days of Kinney's Shoes, the Celebration of Life for Don Knott, gardening, fall decorations, and other things.  

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