Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Three Beautiful Things 12/22/14: 1313 Table Talk, Gift Prep, Zoe Saves the Day

1.  While doing what I do in the morning -- mainly get some writing done -- a message flew in from Scott Stuart and he suggested we go out this morning for a bite to eat.  We got a hold of Ed and he was in, so the tree of us mighty Wildcats from the KHS Class of '72 congregated at the 1313 in Wallace for some solid discussion and solid Silver Valley cuisine.  On our way out and when we got back to Kellogg, Scott came in the house and visited with Mom and he stood up very well under her barrage of questions regarding his family and other points of history in his life, then and now.  Man. His strength under interrogation was impressive!

2.  The Christmas gifts I'd sending (late) to members of the family required some work and preparation today and I got that done.

3.  Zoe saved my life, in a Christmassy sort of way, by coming over to Mom's house and coming down to the basement and wrapping my gifts for me.  I am, without question, the world's worst gift wrapper and Zoe saved me much embarrassment/humiliation by performing what, for her, was a simple task.   I am grateful x 100,000,000,000,000.

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