Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 11-07-2023: Rehab Intake, Back to the Breakfast Nook, I Voted and Slept Hard

1. I hurtled over the 4th of July Pass and descended into the Kootenai Health campus, parked in the hospital's south parking lot, entered the Heart Center door,  and ascended to Cardio Pulmonary Rehab on the third floor. Before long, I was in Lance's office filling out questionnaires, answering Lance's questions, and clarifying why I was seeking rehabilitation and what to do to meet my objectives. We decided that on Friday I'll come back to the facility at 11 and begin a working out program in a class setting. Perfect. Lance also had me perform a six minute walk, repeating what I did at Sacred Heart a couple of weeks ago, and, once again, I was able to complete this test without getting winded. My oxygen readings and blood pressure were solid. 

I'm looking forward to getting this program underway. 

2. I won't do this after every appointment at the rehab center, but today, since I hadn't eaten all morning, I went to the Breakfast Nook and enjoyed a sausage, eggs, hash browns, and toast breakfast and spent time contemplating my current medical situation, feeling like, all things considered, I'm doing all right. 

3. I returned to Kellogg and voted. I only had two items to vote on, a school levy and a race for a seat on the Kellogg City Council. I supported the levy and voted for the more moderate of the two candidates. Back home, spent from talking to Lance, eating all that breakfast, and voting, I joined Luna and Copper on the bed and fell into a deep coma nap, an exquisite one. 

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