Saturday, November 25, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 11-24-2023: The Lounge Instead of Exercise, Leftovers and Tiny Tim and Australian Mammals, Plans for Christmas Time

1. I buzzed out to the Fitness Center to do some exercises, but discovered it was closed. Disappointed, I returned home and Debbie and I decided to wash my sorrow away with a trip to the Inland Lounge. The Lounge was buzzin'. We planted ourselves at the bar. I enjoyed some gin screwdrivers, some yakkin' with Cas, Ginger,  Dick G, and with Debbie. It was a boisterous and mirthful scene at The Lounge. 

2. Next up: Leftovers at Carol and Paul's. I enjoyed that not only were there food leftovers, but I also enjoyed another glass of that Mezcal/cider cocktail Paul mixed for Thanksgiving. Brian E. had been with his family on Thanksgiving Day, but joined the leftover shindig and we had fun talking bout a bunch of stuff while we revisited the Thanksgiving food. Debbie helped bring surreal randomness to our yakkin' by talking about huge mammals that went instinct in Australia and her experience interviewing Tiny Tim in Eugene about 30 years ago. We also squeezed in a little talk about the Basque region and where we might go to purchase lamb meat for Christmas. 

3. We also, I think, pretty much figured out what we'll do where over the Christmas holiday. It's a crowded time -- Debbie and I both have birthdays at that time, we got married on the 24th, we have an international Christmas dinner that we hold on the 26th so that Cosette, Taylor, and Saphire can join in -- Christmas Day is a big work day for Cosette. 

And there's more -- so we'll have our first family get together on Christmas Day with a gift exchange and a brunch and return to Carol and Paul's on the 26th for the annual international dinner and another gift exchange that includes Cosette, Taylor, and Saphire. Debbie and I are leaving things open for possibly doing something together for our birthdays. There will be a party for Cosette on the 28th. I'm sure all of this is subject to change, but this evening we established the first draft!

(Christy will also be recovering from knee replacement surgery.)

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