Thursday, February 1, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 01-31-2024: Figuring Out My So-Called Wardrobe, Expanding My Regimen, Silky Penne

1. This morning, in preparation for Cosette and Taylor's February 17th wedding,  I got out a pair of black Docker pants that, for years, I've worn as a dress pants. The last time I tried to put them on, they didn't fit and I had planned to give them away -- but I never got around to donating them. Today, they fit me. Then I tried on my only white long-sleeved shirt and remembered that even when I bought it many years ago, the neck was just a little bit snug. I'll buy a new one. I have a dress jacket that fits me. It needs to be dry cleaned. When I shop for the white shirt, I'm also going to at least look at black shoes. It might be time to buy a new pair. I rarely wear the ones I have, but I've had them for between 10-15 years and I just might replace them. 

2. I went to the Fitness Center this afternoon and decided that I'm going to expand my regimen by adding more cardio machines to my routine and add time on resistance/weight machines. Today I pedaled for twenty-five minutes on a stationary bicycle-like contraption along with exercising on the NuStep and the treadmill. I did three sets of ten reps on the leg extension machine today, adding to the work I also did on an ab and a back machine. I enjoyed this expansion, especially because my afternoon was free and I was under no time limit as to when I wrapped things up.

3. I had fun this evening fixing a HelloFresh favorite of ours, Silky Sicilian Penne Tossed with Zucchini, Mushrooms, and Tomatoes. It's a simple recipe that only required me to cook the zucchini and mushrooms, put them aside, use the tomatoes and other ingredients in the bag to make a sauce, and then combine the vegetables and the cooked penne with the sauce in a pan. 


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