Thursday, February 8, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 02-07-2024: Wedding Ceremony Ready to Go, Later Start at the Fitness Center, Leftover Pasta and a Fruit Salad Revives Me

1. Over the years, I've read one person after another claim that they work best under the pressure of a deadline and do their best work at the last minute. If that approach to things could be thought of as a train, it's a train I don't ride. Today, ten days ahead of Cosette and Taylor's wedding, I finished at least 95% writing the ceremony with the help from a template Paul gave Cosette, from the Episcopalian Book of Common Prayer, and from the things I said at the other two weddings I officiated. I'll be 100% finished once I know what announcements I need to make and, possibly, after making some small revisions here and there. What I do know, however, is that if I got a call today from Taylor and Cosette telling me the wedding date had been changed, that they wanted to get married today, I'd have a ceremony written and ready to go! 

2. Because I bore down on getting the wedding ceremony all but completed, I didn't go to the Fitness Center until around 3:00. My energy level was down a bit, but I mildly asserted my wimpy will and got in 70 minutes on the NuStep and one of the stationary bikes. I was very hungry when I left the Fitness Center, but I drew once again upon the slight amount of inner strength I possess and went to Yoke's for a few items and bought Debbie a bottle of Cointreau at the liquor store.

3. Once home, I went right to work on dinner. All I had to do was dice a red pepper and roast it and add it to the leftover lemon garlic shrimp penne I made last night once it had warmed up. Debbie and I were both excited about how much we enjoyed this simple pasta dish and agreed that adding the roasted red pepper was just the right thing to do. 

I felt much better after dinner and then, after I fixed myself (and ate) an apple, strawberry, blueberry, and Nancy's plain yogurt salad, I felt even better and joined Copper in the bedroom so we could work on the Thursday NYTimes crossword puzzle! 

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