Monday, February 5, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 02-04-2024: Not Overdoing It On Sunday, Family Chicken Dinner, Yakkin' Over Dinner

1. Unlike yesterday, this morning I had no difficulty motivating myself to go to the Fitness Center and I got in some good exercise on three different machines over about 75 minutes. 

Today's time in the gym was, in a way, a bonus. Debbie and I both sorely miss worshiping as Episcopalians and had tentatively planned to drive to St. Luke's in Coeur d'Alene this morning. St. Luke's is the closest Episcopal Church to Kellogg and the Silver Valley. 

Debbie, however, had a few hours of work to do in her classroom to prepare for the upcoming week and we were hosting family dinner. Debbie needs to rest and conserve energy over the weekend and is careful about not doing too much, especially on Sundays. So we didn't go to CdA this morning. 

For me, going to St. Luke's will be a return, but I haven't been there in about four years. For Debbie, St. Luke's will be a new experience. I look forward to  being back in the comfort and challenge of the liturgy and returning to the communion rail. 

Maybe next week.  Possibly by myself, I suppose, but I hope not. 

2. Debbie and I hosted tonight' family dinner and I volunteered to take charge of dinner and assignments. 

I knew we had a couple of small whole chickens in the freezer, so a few days ago, I put one in the refrigerator to thaw. 

Today I roasted this chicken and kept things simple. I covered the chicken with olive oil, garlic powder, and rosemary and roasted it in an oven bag.

Not only was I happy with how the chicken turned out, I was possibly even happier with how Carol so perfectly prepared the rice pilaf with dried apricots and slivered almonds, seasoned with cinnamon, turmeric, and cumin I assigned her. 

I asked Christy to add a steamed vegetable to our dinner and volunteered to steam whatever she brought at our house with my nifty steamer. She did just that. Christy brought over a generous amount of chopped cauliflower and I steamed it. 

3. So Paul, Carol, Christy, Debbie, and I sat down to this simple meal after a round of cocktails. Paul and Carol brought red and white wine to enhance this simple meal and we had a rousing time talking about the upcoming wedding, changes in the neighborhood, and a variety of other subjects. It was a fun evening and, I'd say, not adding a trip to CdA to our day worked out perfectly. 

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