Sunday, February 4, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 02-03-2024: My Will Prevailed, Time with Crossword Copper, The Lounge and Comfort Food

1. I hemmed and then I hawed and hawed and hemmed some more, thinking I might like to take a day off at the Fitness Center. But, NO! While my flesh was weak, my spirit was willing and I scurried out the door, vaulted into the Sube, zipped out to Smelterville, and got in an hour of exertion before the joint closed. Once I leapt on the NuStep and got my arms and legs pumping, I enjoyed myself and, with the help of Spotify's Rock Hits of 1974, I completed forty minutes on this machine and twenty more on one of the stationary bikes. 

2. I had tried to get going on the Saturday NYTimes crossword on Friday evening when it came out, but those two Rainier beers I drank after delivering BBQ with Ed slowed my mind down enough that I couldn't come up with a single correct word in response to clues. 

This afternoon, however, I retired to the bedroom in the company of Crossword Copper, who relaxed into a motionless ball of contented sleep once I joined him. My mind had cleared. I succeeded, with some help from the WWWeb, to complete the puzzle. 

3. Debbie and I dropped in at The Lounge around 4:00. We joined Abby and Kate at the bar for a while until they departed and before long Becky and John took their place at the bar. It being quiet at The Lounge, I thought Cas might have some time to yak so I moved down the bar a ways and we had a good time discussing all kinds of things, including the challenges of drafting a solid fantasy baseball team. 

We departed just as The Lounge was starting to get busy. It was someone's birthday. We weren't a part of this celebration. When we got home, Debbie heated up the superbly comforting and delicious chicken enchilada casserole she had assembled, and we relaxed for the rest of the evening -- well, I returned to spend time in the bedroom with Crossword Copper and work on the NYTimes Sunday crossword. Later I had some relaxing time with Copper in the kitchen and living room after Debbie and Gibbs retired, and eventually went to bed with Copper, who kept his distance, but was within arm's reach so I could put my hand on his side and help him stay relaxed. 

Ah, what the heck -- one more thing. 

Each day at the rehab gym at Kootenai Health, one of the staff members brings me a handout and leads me through a brief educational presentation.

A couple weeks ago, Ashley brought me a handout about improving my sleep and pointed out that one smart thing to do is to turn of all screens -- phone, laptop, television, any screens -- about twenty minutes before going to bed.

I've been doing this and using those twenty minutes to clean the kitchen, either load or unload the dishwasher, wash any kitchenware that doesn't go in the dishwasher,  tend to my dental care, and do other small tasks. 

I don't know for certain that this has helped me sleep better, but Debbie and I both enjoy waking up to a sink and counters free of used dishes and sometimes to an empty dishwasher. 


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