Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sibling Assignment #107: Postcard from Sacred Heart Medical Center

I gave this sibling assignment:

Write a postcard, in poetry or prose, patterned after Ted Kooser. His are winter postcards of winter morning walks. Ours will be autumn postcards and we'll make our observations however we want...walking, driving, sitting, whatever....and time of day is up to us...

His postcards: 1. State the date 2. State the weather conditions 3. Capture physical detail of the moment 4. Reflect upon that moment, either implicitly or explicitly.

InlandEmpireGirl’s post(card) is here and you’ll find Silver Valley Girl’s here.

october 31

Sacred Heart Medical Center

gray, breezy, cool, dreary

Bare trees shiver.

No leaves.

No sparrows, no crows.

No sound.

Only a nurse


Wheeling a gray woman to her son's gray Buick

Oh...and a matted gray horse

Across the street

Gleaning the damp grass

For apples.

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