Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Three Beautiful Things 11/08/09: Sabbath, Book?, Business

1. Sabbath? A day of rest? Sort of. I mean I worked, but in the house, on the couch, in pj's most of the day, learning more about how my students view the maturity of Telemakhos.

2. I just can't seem to see how it would be structured, Bill. I deeply appreciated your comment about my blog writing being turned into a book. I've thought and thought about it, but haven't imagined how it would take form yet...I agree...the substance is right here in kelloggbloggin...but what would a book look like..not on the cover...in its arrangement? I know, Deke: sabbatical.

3. Sometimes Market of Choice can be just a little too friendly for my tastes. Not always, just sometimes. I can count on one checker there to treat our transaction as a business deal, not a best friends forever-fest. I went through her station this evening. She pretty much acted like I wasn't there. Thank you...

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