Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 08/08/17: Mom's Contented Morning, Care Meeting and Cosette, CdA Jaunt

1. I arrived to be with Mom at 8:00 this morning. Mom was finished with breakfast and sitting up, in her pajamas, in her wheelchair. I noticed she didn't have her glasses on and then discovered her glasses were not in plain sight. Several staff from Kindred looked for her glasses, but they are officially missing. Mom was unfazed by her missing glasses. In fact, Mom was in a state of relaxed dementia throughout the three hours or so we spent together. She spoke whatever came to her mind. Sometimes I couldn't hear her, even though I was sitting very near hear. None of the things she said or the questions she asked me connected with each other and none of what she said was driven by much worry or anxiety. She chuckled from time to time or broke out into a smile.  At one point, as if she were standing on the back porch calling us kids in for dinner, she called out to her deceased sister Lila's deceased husband Ted, as if his name had two syllables: "Uncle Te-ed! Uncle Te-ed!"

I later learned that Mom was restless and agitated in the afternoon, but by the time Christy spent time with her shortly after five, she was sleeping much more peacefully.

2. Christy, Carol, and I met with some Kindred staff and with two staff from Hospice for a care conference. We siblings had some questions about Mom's medicine, how Kindred and Hospice coordinate their efforts, Mom's diet, how Mom is being transferred from bed to wheelchair and back, and other things. It was a positive, informative meeting and afterward we talked a bit more with Andrea, the Hospice nurse.

While we were in this meeting, Cosette, revived, back on her feet, active in the world again, spent time with Mom. I found out later that Cosette felt well enough to go to CdA to have some fun with a friend. It looks like she has recovered from the mysterious ailment that had her so sick, so down and out for four or five days.

3. The Deke and I had some errands to run in Coeur d'Alene. We got them done and went to Daft Badger Brewing for sandwiches and couple of beers. It was an easy time at Daft Badger. We loved our food. We had a fun chat with our server, Amy. I always enjoy a couple short pours of Badger's Bounty.

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