Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 08/29/17: Bills Paid, Wedding Writing, Epic Party Talk

1.  For the first time since June 16th, I woke up in Greenbelt, Maryland this morning. I was a little bit anxious because a small pile of medical bills related to appointments I met while being re-evaluated for the kidney transplant list were awaiting my attention, but I faced them squarely, and got online and on the phone and paid them all in their entirety.

2. With that bit of anxiety lifted, I could give my attention to finishing the next draft of Julie and Curtis's wedding ceremony, coming up on Saturday in Huntingdon, PA. I'm pleased with the draft I completed today and will return to it tomorrow to polish any of its rough edges. I had a couple of questions for Julie and she answered them and I will double check to make sure I have everything in order. I am very happy that I am not trying to finish this up at the last minute and that I can return to what I've written on both Wednesday and Thursday to make sure it's working the way I want it to.

3. About 3:00 or so this afternoon, the Deke and I decided we'd been hanging around our apartment home enough and we headed to the edge of NE Washington, DC to have a beer at DC Brau. We arrived at the tasting room and it was closed -- the bathroom is being redone. Well, luckily, DC Brau is just minutes from Atlas Brewing in Ivy City (DC), so we buzzed down to West Virginia Ave, NE and strolled into the tasting room. Only one other customer was there, the guy serving beer was playing the Clash station on Spotify, so the music was killer-awesome, and the Deke and I settled down at the bar. Since we had the end of the bar to ourselves, there was plenty of room to put a bunch of stuff on the table regarding our move to Idaho. The beer we drank enhanced our decision making tremendously. I didn't want to stop drinking Atlas's Rowdy Rye Ale and the Deke loved her Ponzi IPA.

It's too early to divulge the decisions we made because they are tentative at this point, but, if they work out, we will be very happy.

We left Atlas Brewing fired up. We'd just had a great party and an epic conversation. We were also hungry. We cruised up to Beltsville and plopped down at the bar at Old Line for one more beer and we split a burger and truffle fries. It was the perfect amount of food and brought a perfect afternoon and evening to a perfect conclusion.

It's great to be back in Maryland again and I will savor every day here until we make our move to Idaho.

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