Saturday, April 25, 2020

Three Beautiful Things 04/24/20: Shakespeare Hikes with Me, Driving Up the River, Green Curry and Foyle BONUS A Limerick by Stu

1. On Thursday, I didn't trust the weather, the intermittent showers and occasional downpours. I didn't scale Mt. Wellness. Today, however, was a bright, bright sunshiny day. I made fewer stops to catch my breath going up the trail. My legs felt a bit stronger. I thought a lot about all I've learned about life from my long relationship with the works of William Shakespeare, especially about all the different ways time moves and the variety of ways we measure time.

2. I returned to the Sube. I'd just filled the gas tank. I decided to take a drive up the North Fork and see what the snow pack looked like in the parking area at the Coal Creek trail head. The spring runoff has swollen the river. I don't know how much more it will rise. As I drove by the trail head, I saw the snow was nearly gone, but the parking area looked muddy. I didn't turn in. I'll wait until the mud dries. I'll cruise up there again next week and check it out again.

3. I popped open a container of green curry paste today, combined it with coconut milk, fish sauce, soy sauce, and brown sugar and poured this sauce over chopped onion, russet potatoes, broccoli florets, and sweet red peppers. I brought it to a boil (a more vigorous boil than I had planned) and then slow cooked this curry. Debbie made a batch of rice. The curry was really good -- not overwhelmingly spicy. The moderate heat allowed the other flavors of the curry paste to come forward, enhanced by the balance of salty and sweet that I added.

We watched Christopher Foyle investigate a murder at a farm house near Hastings. In the course of his inquiry, Foyle unearthed deep secrets about life on this farm and provided comfort to a woman deeply injured by the losses she'd suffered over the years. Samantha put on rough clothes and helped with the farm's potato crop. Foyle solved the murder.

In this limerick, Stu recalls cruising the gut in Kellogg:

It's a trip that was short to be clear.
Up "Hill" as McKinley was near.
Take a right, go up Main,
Circle back in car train.
Never need to get out of first gear.

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