Saturday, June 27, 2009

Why Did it Take Me So Long to Get Lenient? #2

Some kind of sand in the gears delay is underway between Broadway Apothecary, the insurance company, and Oregon Medical Group that has delayed the insurance company's payment for its part of the 250 dollar handcrafted antibiotic prescribed for me by Dr. Ghandour. I had to get going on the antibiotic, so I paid for it. In full. I will seek resolution starting Monday and try to get to the bottom of the delays. Being lenient isn't being passive. It's more about being patient with the fact that things don't always go smoothly and I don't always get my way right away.

We'll see how this all works out.


Go Figure said...

RP: You are just seeing the tip of the iceberg on insurance company delays.

raymond pert said...

Got it.

MarmiteToasty said...

Fank goodness we dont have that problem over here... hope you get is sussed and sorted real soon...
