Saturday, April 26, 2014

Three Beautiful Things 04/25/14: Washing Walls, Shipping Books and LPs, Documents

1.  I keep working away.  My desk is empty.  Its top is cleared.  It's ready to give away.  I need to sort and box its contents and today I started washing the baseboards, trim, and walls of this house's master bedroom.  I had planned to go out tonight, but I worked instead of going to see "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at LCC.  My last chance to see it is the matinee tomorrow, on Saturday, a day I had already set aside for working on getting our house ready to sell.  Sigh.  I'll work hard in the morning and see if I can grant myself a reprieve to see the play. 

2.  I bought a sturdy hand cart and rolled two boxes of my LPs and two boxes of books that once belonged to each of my grandmothers into the pack and ship shop to ship.  The LPs are headed to Darren in Cd'A and the books to my sisters.  I'm really happy not to be taking these books and records across the country and even happier that they are in such good hands. 

3.  The Deke spent days gathering transcripts, certificates, letters, and I don't know what else to send to the school district in Maryland and late this afternoon, those documents went by priority mail to their destination.  Things are slowly coming together.

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