Saturday, January 6, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 01-05-2024: Deep Purple and Calorie Burning, S-L-O-W Shopping -- A Luxury, A Fun Hour (or So) at The Lounge

1. I revved up Christy's Sube and we blasted out to the Fitness/Rehab Center. I did my best to make smart use of the forty-five minutes or so I had to exercise while Christy worked with a physical therapist. I burned about as many calories as I'm capable of in that amount of time. I'm looking forward to Saturday and Sunday. I'll spend more time in the gym and not only work on aerobic machines, but get in some time with the hand weights, too. Will I return to Deep Purple's Machine Head again? It's likely. I've loved that album for over fifty years and now I think the music is as aerobic as my workouts! 

2. Debbie had a two hour appointment this afternoon in CdA for a haircut and other good things. I dropped her off and headed straight for Costco to purchase a few items for Carol and Paul. Since I had two hours of shopping luxury available, I lollygagged in Costco. I went up and down aisles, filling Carol and Paul's short list, but also seeing if anything jumped out at me that I might purchase for our home. (Nothing did.) The mood in Costco was good. Every shopper I encountered was polite and friendly as we nearly wordlessly negotiated who should get out of whose way. This almost always my experience at Costco. 

I checked out and buzzed over to Fred Meyer for another hour of s-l-o-w, fun shopping. I loaded my cart with a variety of produce, herbal teas, eggs, and vinegar and bopped over to the men's clothing area and picked up a couple sturdy short-sleeved T-shirts and a pair of knee length workout pants. 

3. Debbie and I got done at right about the same time. Upon returning to Kellogg on clear roads -- the looming winter storm had not moved in yet --, we popped into The Lounge where Brian and Molly were at the bar. Cas thanked me for arriving as soon as I could so that I could help him get Molly under control (ha ha) and that joke continued for the duration of our visit. Brian, Molly (now behaving herself [ha ha]), Debbie, and I grabbed a table, yakked, laughed, were joined by Ed, said hi and yakked a bit with Jake, Carol Lee, and Cindy and had a good hour or so of socializing and relaxation.

We had a very good afternoon. 

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