Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 01-29-2024: Afternoon Workout, Fixing Dinner Early in the Day, Copper's Deep Relaxation

1. I spent the morning getting a few things done around the house and waited until early afternoon to go to the Fitness Center. It feels more leisurely to me in the afternoon out there -- always feels like I've got more time -- and today, with the help of Spirit's superb album, The Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus and then a mix of music from a variety of classic rock artists, I got in about seventy minutes of cardio, worked on a couple of resistance machines, and did some work with hand weights. It was a very good session.  

2. When I decided to wait until the afternoon to exercise, I also decided fix dinner this morning. Debbie asked me to augment the left over Spanish rice with ground beef and some tomato sauce and that was very easy to do. I browned the beef, added in the leftovers, stretched them a bit with tomato sauce, heated it all up, turned off the heat before going to the gym, and, when Debbie arrived home, all we had to do was heat it all up again and dinner was ready.

3. I told Debbie tonight that if I can't do anything else well in life, at least I know I can make Copper happy. Copper had been alone a lot today and I joined him in the bedroom, worked the Tuesday NYTimes crossword puzzle (the daily crosswords are always available the evening before), and he relaxed, purred, napped, and settled into his own kind of Copper bliss. 

I enjoy being in the living room with Debbie in the evenings, but with Gibbs unable to not pester Copper, I can't bring Copper out to join us. This evening, I decided to be with Copper. His contentment makes me happy and I skipped out of the bedroom periodically to see what Debbie was up to and to chat a bit. 

I tried to have the best of both worlds. 

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