Friday, January 19, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 01-18-2024: Medicare Wellness, Monthly Blood Draw, Salmon Dinner

 1. I went up to the clinic for Medicare Wellness check up this morning, got my ears flushed, and had a blood draw done to see how my cholesterol, liver function, and prostate look. I had called the rehab gym in CdA to tell them I wouldn't make it -- I didn't want to drive the wintry roads today -- but, as it turned out, things took a while at the clinic and had I gone to rehab, I would have barely had time to eat. Having blood drawn for a lipid panel required fasting for 10-12 hours. I started a medication today that could help me not have to go to the bathroom, especially through the night, so often. 

2. Next up: a quick trip to the Shoshone Medical Center to have my monthly vial of blood drawn for the lab in Spokane that tests blood for kidney transplants. The phlebotomist at Shoshone Medical Center is now accustomed to me showing up every month and she's got the labeling and packing and mailing of the blood sample down pat, so it's an easy process.

3. Earlier in the day, when I asked her about dinner, Debbie said she wanted salmon. We have salmon burger patties in the freezer, but I sensed that Debbie really wanted salmon from the meat counter at Yoke's. I stocked up on our groceries today and included a filet of salmon. 

For dinner, I baked the salmon. All I did was put olive oil on the skin and on the meat side I rubbed some butter and salted and peppered it. I also heated up olive oil in a pot, cooked up some green onion, added sesame oil to the pot along with jasmine rice, stirred up the uncooked rice and green onions and oils, and then added water and cooked the rice. Debbie had made a three bean salad earlier and the salmon, rice, and salad combined to make a delicious dinner.

I dressed my salmon filet with some sour cream and yogurt sauce and sprinkled capers on top of the sauce. 

That worked! 

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