Saturday, January 13, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 01-12-2024: Braving the Chill, Clear Sidewalks at the Salon, Warming Up at The Lounge

1. I wondered when I woke up to subzero temperatures and sidewalks covered with compact snow and ice whether Christy would feel safe venturing out to meet her physical therapy appointment at 10:15. I shoveled the small amount of feathery snow off of our sidewalks and deiced Christy porch steps and her sidewalk leading to the street. 

Christy was ready to brave the freezing cold and she felt secure with her ice pick cane and improving knee. I got the snow off her Subaru, leapt in, positioned it in front of her house and Christy walked steadily to the car.

Christy isn't quite ready to leap into the passenger seat, but she got in just fine and we rocketed out to the Fitness/Wellness/Therapy Center in Smelterville. 

I tried a new program on the NuStep machine and walked rolling hills on the treadmill, one again invigorated by the Oysterband and their rock style accordion and driving rhythms. 

It was a blissful session of exercise and upbeat folk rock tunes.

2. Christy was not done going out into the world. She had a 1:00 appointment to have her nails done.

No problem. She made her way back out to the car. I drove her uptown and she appeared to me to have little problem making he way into the salon, thanks to the perfectly shoveled and deiced sidewalk leading into the shop.

3. Debbie called me when she finished school and was headed to The Lounge. At first, I thought I'd stay home and cook, but I finished making the HelloFresh Mexicali Black Bean Soup. Ed had called me earlier in the day to see if I would be going to The Lounge and I called him back and he agreed to pick me up.

Ed and I bellied up to the bar and I ordered my favorite sub zero weather drink. It's simple. Brandy and hot water. It really hit the spot. Ed and I yakked about a bunch of stuff. Cas joined in as he could. Grebe joined us. Later, we joined Jake at his table with Jim and Simon Miller and Danny Kenyon. 

Yes, it was frigid outside, but not in The Lounge. The Lounge was not only well-heated, but the was warm with a crowd of people enjoying one another's company and having a grand old time. 

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