Monday, January 1, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 12-31-2023: Year in Review on ZOOM, Short Visit to The Lounge, Pork Chop Dinner

1. It's been many months since Bill, Diane, Bridgit, Colette, Val, and I were all able to jump on the ZOOM machine together, but this morning we all joined in. This past year was challenging at work, for different members' (and family members') health, both physical and mental, and because of tumult in the world. I wouldn't say we had a Festivus session. We didn't air grievances. But, we spent time talking about things that were difficult and painful in 2023 and discussed how we live with difficulty while, at the same time, do what we can to be buoyant. Almost inevitably, discussing these matters also moved us to talk about aging, not only how we are growing older, but about older men and women in the movies and our admiration for Judy Dench, Helen Mirren, Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson (RIP), and others. 

We are, to my way of thinking, an irrepressible group of friends, unwilling to be controlled and restrained by the difficulties we experience, always seeking and often finding ways to maintain a realistic and loving way forward in our lives. 

2. Debbie and I are not party animals on New Year's Eve. In recent years, when Jake, Carol Lee, and Al performed at the Elks on New Year's Eve, we had some fun times with lots of people enjoying a big potluck and dancing. Now, however, we stay close to home. Late this afternoon, we went to The Lounge for an hour or so to socialize and wish Bob and Tracy a Happy New Year. We were back home by around six or six thirty.

3. I then fixed dinner out of our last HelloFresh bag of the week. I fixed a small pot of rice, steamed broccoli pieces, and cooked a couple small boneless pork chops and an apricot ginger sauce. I served the meat and sauce over the rice with broccoli on the side. 

It worked. 

A fireworks display started around 9 o'clock just as we headed to bed.

I heard a couple bangs.

I slept through the rest. 

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