Sunday, January 14, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 01-13-2024: Dealing with the Arctic Blast, Hot Water and Brandy at The Lounge, Chinese Appetizers from Wah Hing

1. Debbie and I did our best to endure the subzero temperatures today and pretty much succeeded.  I drank hot beverages, mostly coffee and chicken bullion. I worked puzzles, read recipes, read the first essay in my new Jill Lepore book, and was grateful that we had as much heat as we did in our house. 

2. Late in the afternoon, we decided to drive uptown. We sought a change of scenery and good company at the Inland Lounge. It worked! Debbie and I grabbed a stool at the bar. It wasn't too busy so we had fun yakkin' with Cas. I was next to Seth D. and he and I yakked about the upcoming fantasy baseball season and about the National Football League of our respective youths. I was really happy to drink mugs of VSOP brandy and hot water, a most warming and tasty drink on such an arctic day.

3. I've been mindful in my eating and drinking habits over the last several weeks as I've tried to shed some weight. Today, however, it seemed to me foolish to even care about counting calories. I needed to feed myself in ways that kept me warm. I was elated that I'd made this decision when Debbie and I decided we didn't want to leave The Lounge and decided to order potstickers and the appetizer plate from Wah Hing. Debbie chose these items for our dinner and the variety of appetizers, the potstickers, and the dipping sauces made for a perfect meal. When we left The Lounge, I was warmed by the brandy, the food, and the company and arrived home happy to have had such a great time in uptown Kellogg. 

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