Monday, August 6, 2007

Three Beautiful Things 08/06/07: Danny, Pat, Jimmy

1. When's the last time I saw Danny Reasor? I went with Ed to Danny's shop today, and while Ed's truck got serviced Ed and Danny and I had a good BS session.

2. When's the last time I saw Pat Allen? 1997 maybe? He's on the custodial staff at the Cd'A Casino and Ed and I ran into him and got caught up. Pat's retired, living on a great piece of land near Tekoa and looked as relaxed and happy as I've ever seen a guy our age. (The Casino trip was fun and cheap. Just the way I like it!)

3. When's the last time I was in the building that once housed Patano's Apparel and Mode O Day? The Deke asked me to purchase a book on panda's at Papa's Barn, and I went in today and swore I could see Jimmy Patano whisk out of the back room, a tape measurer slung over his arm, and hear him rag on me for being a Teddy.


Hope said...

A Teddy???

raymond pert said...

Hope: A Teddy would be the opposite of a macho man...a chicken...a pussy...a person lacking certain manly qualities...not tough...does this help?

Pinehurst in my Dreams said...

Great sketch letting us know about former classmates.

I'm glad Hope asked the question. . .I was wondering, but thought it might be something like you described. Does that mean that when a woman describes her man as a teddy bear. . .that he's lacking something??? I don't think so.

Christy Woolum said...

I thought earlier he just got you mixed up with Teddy Prune.

Carol Woolum Roberts said...