Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Three Beautiful Things 06/15/15: Kidney Update, Hodge Podge Salad, Sylvia Telford Seeks a Job

1. I drove to Bethesda for my appointment with Dr. Fahim Malik. He greeted me with a broad smile and a friendly handshake and we talked about my chronic kidney disease, our favorite topic. Over the past year, my numbers have remained mostly stable, so, for the present, it's good news that my failing kidneys continue to fail slowly. My blood pressure and heart and lungs were all good. I've lost four more pounds. That's good. Dr. Malik took me off the diuretic I've taken for many years out of concern for dehydration (and my black out incident) and started me on a course of medicine to raise the bicarbonate levels in my blood and, hopefully, lower the potassium. That's good. The decrease of the one and the increase of the other are common effects of kidney disease.

2. It was time to use up the lettuce here, the leftover rice there, the odd red pepper, an apple, as well as the last slices of bacon and bits of chicken left from previous meals.  So I made a salad, combining all these things and asked the Deke to dress it.  She added almonds to the salad along with the splendid dressing she made and we had a great meal.

3. I watched episode #3 of Telford's Change.  The Telford's marriage is at the center of the program's drama. Mark Telford's decision to leave international banking and his office in London and manage a branch in Dover was unilateral. His wife, Sylvia, loves London. She does not want to live in Dover at all. She has decided that rather than use her many talents on volunteer theater committees, she'd like to join the work force and, much to Mark Telford's chagrin, is pursuing a position working for a theater director in the West End. The episode ends with Mark Telford raising a toast of sherry to his wife's pursuits, but is hardly convincing as he lifts his glass, making a weak toast:  "To whatever will make us both happy."

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