Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Three Beautiful Things 09/27/16: Blood Draw, Good Kidney News, Anxiety Lifts

1.  It's so quick these days. I arrive at LabCorp for my monthly blood draw and Angela spots me, whisks me to a blood draw room, efficiently gets the label filled out, affixes it to the tube, draws my blood, and I'm done. She rarely says much, but today she asked if my monthly samples were getting to Baltimore okay. I appreciated her asking and told her yes, that I get a confirmation letter each month.

2. Later in the day, I squeezed into the Sube and dashed over to Bethesda for an appointment with my nephrologist, Dr. Malik. I had already read the lab results from my multiple blood draws a week ago and I was sure he'd be happy with how stable my numbers are. I was right. He was very happy, suggested I lose some weight, and told me to return in six months. As I left, I asked for a flu shot, got it, and soon was on my way back to Greenbelt.

3.  After a delicious crock pot chicken dinner and salad at the Diazes, the Deke and I returned to our apartment home where I did some straightening up of the material the Transplant Center in Baltimore sends me regularly. I'd been bothered that I'd received a letter telling me it had been over two years since my last full day evaluation at the center and to make an appointment.  My last full day evaluation was in March of 2015, so it hadn't been over two years.

Then I read the letter again tonight.

It actually said if it's been over two years.

I realized it was a form letter.
I had read it wrong. I realized I wasn't being singled out for supposedly being tardy.

I live with too much anxiety about messing up this transplant process.

I was greatly relieved that everything is still good.  

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