Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 05/15/17: Mom Update, Echo Stress Test, Day After Mother's Day with Molly

1. Christy drove Mom to see Dr. McDonald, Mom's primary care provider. Dr. McDonald kindly and firmly worked to help Mom understand how her condition has deteriorated over the last 3-6 months and that she needs to be in the presence of skilled nurses. It is best if she stay at Kindred. On Tuesday, the 16th, Mom, Christy, and Carol will attend a care meeting at Kindred with different staff members of the facility to further discuss Mom's situation.

2. I crawled along with the other cars in the stalled stop and go traffic on the Beltway shortly after 7 a.m. and made my way to the Heart Center in Silver Spring for an Echo Stress Test, the last of the tests required of me, until next spring, to remain on the kidney transplant list. I huffed and puffed on the slowly elevating, gradually speeding up treadmill until my heart rate reached the level the cardiologist wanted to see and after the tech took some more pictures and the nurse got my last blood pressure reading, I learned that my heart is in good shape.

3. Molly texted the Deke and me and wondered if we could all meet at Old Line. Molly wanted to give the Deke her Mother's Day gifts. We met. We ate some snacks and enjoyed some beers together and had a fun time yakkin' about all kinds of stuff and the Deke loved the flowers and the three photo portraits within a single frame that Molly made of Adrienne, Patrick, and Molly.

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