Monday, May 1, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 04/30/17: Mom is in the Hospital, Meditations Upon Resurrection, Fun at DC Brau

1. Mom had a difficult weekend from beginning to end and, after she took a fall in the evening, the EMTs transported her to the hospital where she will be under observation. For how long? I don't know. She didn't break any bones and she is not suffering from cranial bleeding. Mom has had a rough go of it over the last two and a half weeks with a variety of problems that my sisters and Mom's doctors have been monitoring. Christy wrote to me that during Mom's stay in ER while waiting for a hospital room, Mom was not in pain and, in fact, started suggesting cleaning chores and talked about someone filling the hummingbird feeders.

2. I started the day by returning to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church for the 10:30 service and meditated throughout the service on Eastertide. In the Episcopal Church, Easter is a season, celebrated for the fifty days between Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday. That means that the scripture readings, the hymns, and the sermons (potentially) continue to focus on the resurrection and its aftermath. My meditations during church focused less on THE resurrection and more on the universal existence of life springing from death all around us, in the world of nature, in the awakenings we experience, and in our healing. New life isn't the whole truth, but this aspect of the truth, whether experienced in tulips emerging in spring, the remission of cancer, renewed vigor for life, or recovery from loss, heartens and animates us.

3. Late in the afternoon, the Deke and I made our regular trip down to DC Brau and enjoyed some On the Wings of Armageddon, the music from the seventies Stu and Angela played on the house sound system, and a lot of fun yakkin' with each other, the servers, and a guy who came in and told the Deke he grew up in suburban Chicago, not far from where the Deke went to high school.

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