Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 05/29/17: Pancakes and Goodbye, Party at DC Brau, Simple Velvety Dinner

1. Adrienne and Jack left this morning not long after 9:00 to return to Nyack and the Deke and I went to the Diazes to say goodbye. Molly had made delicious cinnamon-y pancakes and had real maple syrup on hand and I enjoyed taking a break from my usual morning oatmeal and snarfing down a couple.

2. The Deke and I hopped into the Sube and enjoyed our weekly Sunday visit to DC Brau on Monday. We fell into conversation with a couple of bicyclists way younger than us who had been teachers in China and elsewhere and we had a lot of fun talking about how much we enjoy living in the Washington, D.C. area and about the immense challenges school teachers face and about a recent Washington Post article that reported on the relatively high number of teachers who resigned in the middle of the current school year.

3. We came back home and needed a simple meal so I poured a 28 oz. can of crushed tomatoes into a pan, put over a half a stick of butter in, cut an onion in half and put the two halves in with the tomatoes and butter and while the sauce heated up, I boiled a box of penne and grated some parmesan cheese. Before long, the Deke and I dove into our bowls of pasta topped with Marcella Hazan's simple and velvet tomato sauce.

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