Thursday, May 18, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 05/17/17: Mom Update, To Dulles with Hiram, DC Labor History Tour

1. Mom had an appointment today in Kellogg with her cardiologist. There is nothing new to report -- no change in medication or new insights about Mom's condition. Kindred offers a transportation service and today Mom used that service. It made things immeasurably easier for Christy since she didn't face the challenges of helping Mom in and out of her vehicle and didn't have to wrestle with the wheelchair or with Mom's oxygen tank. Mom has one more appointment, on May 18th, in Coeur d'Alene. Then (fingers crossed), she doesn't have appointments for another month or so. Christy and Everett will take her to Cd'A. When they are both involved in transporting Mom, it all goes better. Mom wants to eat at Applebee's for lunch and that will be a boost to her morale.

2. Hiram flew to Seattle this morning for a gig in Washington state that will last about five days in Bellingham, Arlington, and Anacortes.  I leapt into the Sube and picked him up shortly before 6 a.m. and made my first ever drive to Washington Dulles International Airport. It was fun having some time to talk about different stuff with Hiram and I enjoyed that the drive went smoothly and that it only took about forty-five minutes or so to get out there and that I was back to Greenbelt in under an hour. The drive also increased my already deep appreciation for the fact that the Deke and I live so close to the Baltimore Washington International Airport. I have now made drives from our apartment home to Reagan International and Dulles and, by far, the easiest airport to get to for us is BWI.

3. I was excited all day about having seen Matewan last night and looked online to see what else is happening at DC LaborFest in the next few days. I learned that on Saturday morning, at 10, a group walking tour of the labor history of Washington, D. C. gets underway at the AFL-CIO building. I signed up. I look forward to walking in areas of DC I haven't been to, seeing things where I have been before that I didn't notice,  learning where different labor events occurred, and am especially interested in visiting the A. Philip Randolph Memorial -- I am certain I have blithely and blindly walked right by it many, many times in Union Station.

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