Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Three Beautiful Things 07/16/19: A Visitor, A Letter, A Pot of Soup

1. I was just finishing up my morning roster adjustments for fantasy baseball and my blog writing when I heard a rap at the door. It was Mike Stafford. This made me very happy. Mike came in and we yakked for a half an hour or so, helping get my day off to a great start.

2. I've had the composition of a return letter (email) to Dan on my mind for a few weeks. Somehow, when the late morning and early afternoon rain fell and it looked like I'd be confined to my quarters, I buckled down, put on the movie Run Lola Run (for its energizing soundtrack) and spent much of the afternoon writing to Dan.

3. I had three small chicken thighs left in the freezer. Early in the day, I thawed them out. This evening, I baked them. While they cooled off, I chopped an onion, some celery, and some yellow pepper and sauteed these bits in the fat in the cast iron pan I used to bake the chicken. I poured a quart of chicken broth in a pot, added in the vegetables, chopped the chicken pieces and put them in, and dumped a half dozen or so baby carrots in the pot. Then I remembered I had fresh basil in the fridge, so I added a few leaves. After seasoning the soup with salt and pepper and little champagne vinegar, I boiled everything, turned down the heat, and upon tasting it, decided I'd enjoy some soy sauce in this soup. I wish I'd had some cilantro, bean sprouts, and rice noodles on hand. As it was, the soup was a very pale imitation of a pho, and I let myself pretend it really was. Pho or no, though, I enjoyed my modest creation.

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