Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Three Beautiful Things 07/29/19: Trailhead Confusion, Trail Fail, Farro

1.  At dinner Sunday, Carol and Paul talked about having hiked the Coal Creek trail. I drove to where I thought the trailhead should be, but, once there, I didn't see any signs and I was not sure I was actually in the right place. I either need to go to the Forest Service Ranger Station or communicate with someone who knows that trailhead and get a better sense of the lay of the land. When I returned home, I read up on the Coal Creek trailhead some more, but I'd like some more precise information about it.

2. I didn't have any better luck in the evening when I tried to check out the Holmes Gulch trail. I haven't found any written material on it in a book or online, but maps consistently indicate that the trail begins at the top of Chestnut Street at the top of the hill. I walked up there today, did not see a trail, but saw a lot of No Trespassing and Keep Out signs. I'll have to see if anyone I know has some knowledge about this trail and about this hike.

3. I wondered today, as I ate the farro Debbie prepared with a bowlful of steamed vegetables and then again, when I added cold farro to a salad I fixed this evening, if I'd ever eaten farro before. It would have been when I lived in Eugene, but I couldn't really remember. Oh, well. I'm very happy that Debbie introduced farro into our range of foods to eat here in Kellogg and that it's readily available in bulk at Pilgrim's in CdA.

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