Friday, July 26, 2019

Three Beautiful Things 07/25/19: Hiking to Vergobbi Gulch, Shawn!, Walking to Yoke's

1. Back in the first week of June, Byrdman and I hiked the trail beyond the picnic table at the conclusion of the Health and Wellness trail and as the trail steepened, I was in such poor physical condition, I had to lie down on the trail to recover as I gasped for air and as my heart raced.

Today, I decided to try that trail on my own and get a sense of the state of my stamina.

I've improved. I stopped four or five times on the steep part of the trail and counted out fifteen exhales and then continued. When I reached the end of the steepness, I took a slightly longer rest, but I didn't lie down, I wasn't desperately gasping for air, and as I hiked on the old road leading to Vergobbi Gulch, I was much more comfortable than I was back on June 6th with Byrdman, Sebi, and Pip.

2. As I emerged out of Vergobbi Gulch and strolled down Hill Street, I saw Shawn working on the porch of a house. I haven't seen Shawn for a while.  I stopped and we had fun yakkin' for a while and made some tentative plans to get together before too long.

3.  After I ate a late breakfast and rested my legs for a while, I decided to walk some more. I strapped on my backpack and headed to Yoke's to buy a handful of items. It was a little bit warm out, but I thought it might be good for me to see if I could build up a little bit more tolerance to the sun. I returned home and my pedometer showed that, for the day, I had walked just over 9700 steps. I know, however, that because my stride is shorter on the steep parts of the trail both going up and down, that the pedometer doesn't record those steps. In other words, I'm sure I walked well over 10,000 steps today and racked up over five miles of hiking and walking.

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