Saturday, July 20, 2019

Three Beautiful Things 07/19/19: The Table and Charly, New Curry Dish, Peak Inland Lounge

1. Off and on through the day, Debbie and I put things on and took things off the table as we work to plan who will be where and when over the next several months. Our deliberations were structured significantly by our concern for Charly's mobility. She is in good spirits, seems to feel all right, but her hindquarters continue to deteriorate and she's having more difficulty getting around. She's determined, though, and when she goes out in the back yard, she still makes her way to different areas to sniff and explore and, sometimes, get some barking in. Sometimes she's able to climb the three steps that comprise the back porch -- sometimes she needs human help.

2.  Early in the afternoon, following Debbie's directions, I made a new kind of curry: yellow curry sauce combined with onions, diced tomatoes, and garbanzo beans served over jasmine rice. I was very happy with the curry sauce I made. I thought the balance of heat, sweetness, and saltiness was right on and when I ate it mixed with tomatoes and chick peas it reminded me eating Egyptian Moussaka Stew at Poppi's Anatolia years ago in Eugene. All today's dish needed was eggplant -- and I'll add that to the mix in the future.

3. We had a great night at the Lounge. We arrived shortly after six o'clock and until we got home around 9:00 the yakking was peak Inland Lounge. Fantasy baseball. Live baseball. Live music. Bob Dylan. Elks crab feed history. Medical roundups. Golf stories. Travel dreams. Actual travel. And more -- it was a night of stories, laughter, reunion, and dreams.

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