Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Three Beautiful Things 07/05/11: Charly Prays, Dump Ready, 90 Kodak Moments

1.  I was wrong.  Neighborhood history did not repeat itself.  No fireworks on July 5.  I'm sure I heard Charly whimper a prayer of gratitude.

2.  The garage project continues apace:  Sh.Bell picked up the window air conditioners, the Sube is loaded for the dump, the Christmas tree is disassembled and in the green recycle barrel (so is the branch that fell off our tree and failed to give anyone a concussion).  Dump day is tomorrow.  The project will be about 92.7% completed.

3.  I spent about 90 minutes today indulging a low grade obsession with vintage Kodak cameras, especially the Brownie Hawkeye my parents took great pictures with of life around our two residences on E. Portland Ave. in Kellogg and, inspired by the Sloans (via Tumblr and Flickr), I got to looking at old Duaflex cameras, too.   

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