Saturday, July 23, 2011

Three Beautiful Things 07/22/2011: Rainbow Gathering, Sibling Assignment, Photograph Pleasure

1.  Kat was at Rainbow Optics.  Em was working her shift there.  I got caught up on how Kat's surgery recovery is going and learned about her travels and found out from Em how things are progressing with "Cymbeline".  Seeing Em and Kat made my visit to choose new frames for my new glasses much better than I could have expected.

2.  I finally got down to business and posted a sibling assignment (#146) that I've been sitting on for months.  I'm not sure the quality of the post really measures up to the long delay, but I was happy to finally get some of my church and cross pictures posted -- although, I'll admit, I think I struggle a bit with taking this kind of picture.  I need a lot more practice and maybe more imagination.

3.  It made me surprisingly ecstatic that some of my friends at St. Mary's and elsewhere enjoyed my photograph (posted on Facebook) of the sign at St. Mary's that says "The Episcopal Church Welcomes You" side by side with a huge motorcycle.  Sometimes when I post a picture or a piece of writing and people tell me they like it, I'm surprised by how moved I am by their response.  People liking this picture made me shake, really moved me.

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