Sunday, July 17, 2011

Three Beautiful Things 07/16/2011: Drumettes, Lens, Success

1.  I was surprisingly happy that my order of ten packages of drumettes was all ready to be picked up at Market of Choice.  Tonight's dinner is kind of a big deal and having this piece of the day be easy lightened my gait.

2.  I began experimenting around the house with my 28mm f/2.5 Tamron lens, my first venure into manual aperture and manual focus.  With manual aperture, I like how I can really see and feel the notch if I take the aperture up a notch or bring it down a notch.  I can visualize the opening in the lens expanding or contracting as I move from one stop/notch to another.  It's more tangible.

3.  Could I flour, fry, and coat sixty drumettes, have them all taste pretty good, get the celery sticks ready, the blue cheese dressing ready, and prepare garlic toast from hamburger buns.  Yes I could!  Billy Joe Diedrich's birthday party was especially fun while I was fixing the wings and the celery and the garlic toast.  It was especially pleasing to have it all succeed.

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