Friday, September 6, 2013

Three Beautiful Things 09/05/13: Trying to Settle Myself Down on the Beach, The Conversations Continue, Back Home

1.  After a fitful night of sleep, a night of having years in my life as a student and an instructor that I loved at Whitworth College occupying my mind with philosophical questions and questions of what I've done with my life, I gobbled down some mediocre food at the Comfort Inn, checked out, and headed back to the ocean and walked and tried to settle down my agitated mind on the beach, taking some pictures, longing for a past that is impossible to know again, reassuring myself that I've done okay (for the most part), and looking forward to getting back together with Mark and Peter.

2.  Mark and Peter and I got right back into our splendid conversations in the Steinbeck Room and learned more about Peter's work in Africa, while at Devil's Punch Bowl, and over food at the Chowder Bowl.  Peter and I continued the conversation over a beer at the Irish pub while Mark took care of family matters and I tried to explain my experience with God and we also talked about teaching writing. 

3.  Back home, sad to have left Mark and Peter, happy to be back with the Deke, exhausted from all the mental exertion and fitful sleep, I joined the Deke at Billy Mac's for a relaxing couple of watermelon margaritas and a pork loin ranchero dinner. 

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