Sunday, September 29, 2013

Three Beautiful Things 09/28/13: Lunch at Pure, Money at Home, Buscemi Plays a Chameleon

1.  Russell and I went to Pure for lunch where I enjoyed a tasty chicken udon soup and a slendid  spicy scallop ice cream cone looking sushi roll.  My big toe feels much better, but I wasn't quite ready to work it out on a photo stroll just yet, so after lunch we sat in front of the 5th Street Market, enjoyed a hot drink, and continued our lunch discussion of everything from the NFL to Pacific Rim.

2.  I've got a better understanding of our household finances.  I don't have a complete understanding, but a better one.  Taking a closer look is enlightening, mostly in good ways.

3.  After watching the first episode of the first season of Boardwalk Empire, I know what I enjoyed the most:  seeing Steve Buscemi in a leading role, watching him play a duplicitous City Treasurer capable, in an instant, to play whatever role, show whatever face, speak whatever language, including teetotaler, enforcer, cajoler, corrupt politician, cutthroat avenger, comforter, philanthropist, philanderer, for starters, the moment calls for. 

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