Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Three Beautiful Things 09/09/13: U-Haul Overkill, Digging in Mom's Gardens, Nadal is King

1.  I strolled down to Ron's Sportsmen to check into renting a U-Haul vehicle to go to Orofino tomorrow.  Ron didn't have anything as small as I wanted, but I want to get this job done, so I'll show up in Orofino with way more truck than I need, I'll have a good laugh with Laura and Lyle about all the spare room I'll have in the truck, but, thank God, I'll bring the sideboard and a couple of boxes back to Kellogg.  I figure when in Kellogg, rent what you can, not necessarily what you want....

2.  Three unwanted little trees/shrubs were starting to mature in Mom's gardens and I brandished a shovel and pruning shears and dug those intruders out of the ground and stuffed them in a waste can.  One job started at U-Haul and another job finished.

3.  I was blown away by Rafael Nadal in his victory in the U. S. Open over Novak Djokovic.  I don't see how any player could have defeated his power, speed, shotmaking, finesse, variety of shots, and iron will.  Djokovic is a superb player who played some incredible tennis today, but it became clear late in the third set that no one on the planet, and possibly no one in the history of tennis, was going to defeat Nadal today.  I can't believe how much power Nadal had added to his already considerable arsenal, making him the best player in the game right now. 

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