Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Three Beautiful Things 03/28/16: Nearly Ten Years of Blogging, Splash and Flop, Back to tumblr

1.  One of my sources of happiness is that I've remained faithful to this blog. Yesterday, I wrote a a piece in response to Christy's Sibling Assignment -- #179, by the way -- and it was my 3400th post on kellogg bloggin. I am very grateful to Claire Law.  She no longer maintains her blog, Three Beautiful Things, but when I discovered it back in 2006, it gave me just the daily prompt I needed to write nearly every day. The sibling assignments have provided me with similar structure and prompted me to write more than I would have without them.  These external prompts are very good for me because when it comes to money, photography, travel, gardening, writing, and a host of other things, I'm a lousy planner and that was the subject of my 3400th post.  Want to read it?  It's here.  Let me add, my sister, Christy, on the other hand, is an expert planner, and, as it turns out, she wrote about her mad planning skills and how she has learned to be a patient gardener in response to Sibling Assignment #179 and you can read it right here.

2. I sure had a good time splashing and flopping around in the water today at Senior Swim. Since my toe quit throbbing, I've been getting more walking exercise and moving around in the water today was not only an excellent change of pace, it was kind of therapeutic both physically and mentally.

3.  I maintain another blog called "In Living Black and White" over at tumblr. It's a photography blog and I post black and white pictures on it.  I've not been very good about posting over there for a while, but today and yesterday I got back into the tumblr swing of things again and posted pictures from my recent photo strolls in and around Washington, D. C. If you'd like to see what my tumblr blog looks like, just click here.  It's not fancy, but I've had a lot of fun posting there the last few years and have been very inspired by other photographers who post on tumblr.

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